General Birthday Problem

September 17, 2014

Reading time ~10 minutes


Assume that everyone’s birthday is uniformly distributed in 365 days of a year. What is the probability that no two people have birthdays with difference less than or equal to \(k\) days among \(n\) people?


If \(n(k + 1) > 365\), the probability is clearly 0.

\[\mathbb{P} = 0\]

If \(k = 0\), the problem degenerates into the classic birthday problem. The solution is as follows.

\[\mathbb{P} = \frac{365!}{365^n \cdot (365 - k + 1)!}\]

Otherwise, we number the 365 days as \(d_i\), \(i \in \{1, \cdots, 365\}\) and divide the problem into two cases:

  • No one is born during \(\{d_{365-k+1}, \cdots, d_{365}\}\).

    Let the $n$ people be \(P_i\), \(i \in \{1, \cdots, n\}\). Then we combine each \(P_i\)’s birthday with the \(k\) days right after it. Then we have \(n\) combined elements and \(365 - n(k + 1)\) days. The problem transforms into picking $n$ days from a row of \(365 - nk\) days and replacing them with our \(n\) combined elements.

    We have \(n! {365 - nk \choose n} = (365 - nk)_n\) possible cases each with equal probability.

  • Someone is born during \(\{d_{365 - k + 1}, \cdots, d_{365}\}\).

    Apparently, no two people can both have birthdays in that range. Therefore, the problem becomes how to put $n - 1$ people’s birthdays in the rest \(365 - k - 1\) days.

    Notice that this situation is different with the situation in the problem where the 365 days form a cycle. So, using the method in the first case, We have \((n - 1)! {365 - k - 1 - (n - 1)k \choose n - 1} = (365 - nk - 1)_{n - 1}\) possible cases each with equal probability.

    However, we have \(365 - (365 - k + 1) + 1 = k\) days and \(n\) people to choose from. Therefore, there are \(nk \cdot (365 - nk - 1)_{n - 1}\) cases in total.

Each case is of probability \(\frac{1}{365^n}\). So the probability that no two people have birthdays with difference less than or equal to \(k\) days among \(n\) people is

\[\mathbb{P} = \frac{(365 - nk)_n + nk \cdot (365 - nk - 1)_{n - 1}}{365^n}\]

By inspecting the formula, we find out that it also works for the first two cases. Therefore, this formula give correct answer for all cases.

R test code:

experiment = function (n, k) {
    days = sample(365, n, replace = T)
    if (k == 0) {
    dict = rep(-1, 365 %/% k + 1)
    if (365 %% k != 0) {
        offset = k - 365 %% k
    } else {
        offset = 0
    for (day in days) {
        div = day %/% k + 1
        rem = day %% k
        if ((dict[div] >= 0) ||
            (((div + 1) < 365 %/% k + 2) && (dict[div + 1] > -1) && (dict[div + 1] <= rem)) ||
            ((div == 365 %/% k + 1) && (dict[1] > -1) && (dict[1] - offset <= rem)) ||
            ((div > 1) && (dict[div - 1] >= rem)) ||
            ((div == 1) && (dict[365 %/% k + 1] > -1) && (dict[365 %/% k + 1] + offset >= rem))) {
        dict[div] = rem

run = function(times, n, k) {
    result = sum(replicate(times, experiment(n, k))) / times
    prob = (choose(365 - n * k, n) + k * choose(365 - n * k - 1, n - 1)) * factorial(n)/(365^n)
    print(sprintf("experiment: %f, probability: %f", result, prob))

Sample output:

> run(100000, 15, 3)
[1] "experiment: 0.112590, probability: 0.113578"
> run(100000, 15, 3)
[1] "experiment: 0.113670, probability: 0.113578"
> run(100000, 15, 32)
[1] "experiment: 0.000000, probability: 0.000000"
> run(100000, 1, 32)
[1] "experiment: 1.000000, probability: 1.000000"
> run(100000, 15, 0)
[1] "experiment: 0.746700, probability: 0.747099"
> run(100000, 15, 1)
[1] "experiment: 0.406600, probability: 0.409946"
> run(100000, 15, 1)
[1] "experiment: 0.409680, probability: 0.409946"

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