Proof of Heap Algorithms Complexities

September 17, 2014

Reading time ~2 minutes

Heapify(array \(A\) with size \(N\), index \(i\) that contains node \(n\)):

Assuming subtrees of node \(n\) are max heaps.

  • Idea: correcting one violation of heap invariant at \(n\). Swap \(n\) with one of its child and recursively call Heapify on that child.

It can be easily derived that

  • Number of levels below \(n\): \(L = \lceil \lg{\frac{N}{i}} \rceil = \lceil \lg{N} - \lg{i} \rceil\)

Let \(T_{Heapify}(L)\) be the time complexity. We have the simple recurrence relation:

\[\begin{cases} T_{Heapify}(L) = T_{Heapify}(L - 1) + O(1) \\ T_{Heapify}(0) = 0 \end{cases}\]

Therefore, \(T_{Heapify}(N, i) \in O(\lg{N} - \lg{i})\)

Build_max_heap(Array \(A\) with size \(N\)):

  • Idea: the second half of a heap is consisted of leaves. So constructing a heap is calling Heapify from bottom to top on all of the nodes.

Without loss of generality, assume \(N\) is a power of 2. Let \(T(N)\) be the time complexity.

Pseudocode (note that here the heap starts from index 1):

for i in range(N/2, 1):
    Heapify(A, i)
\[\begin{array} {lcl} T_{Build\_heap}(N) & = & \sum_{i = 1}^{\frac{N}{2}} T_{Heapify}(N, i) \\ & = & \sum_{i = 1}^{\frac{N}{2}} O(\lg{N} - \lg{i}) \\ & = & O(\lg{N}) + \sum_{i = 2}^{\frac{N}{2}} O(\lg{N} - \lg{i}) \\ & \leqslant & O(\lg{N} + \int_{1}^{\frac{N}{2}} (\lg{N} - \lg{x}) dx) \\ & \leqslant & O(\lg{N} + (\frac{N}{2} - 1) \lg{N} - (\frac{N}{2} \lg{\frac{N}{2}} - \frac{N}{2}) + (\lg{1} - 1)) \\ & \in & O(N) \end{array}\]

Heap_sort(Array \(A\) with size \(N\)):

  • Idea: after popping out the first (max or min) element, move one of the leaves to \(A[1]\) and call Heapify(\(A\), \(1\)). Continue to do so and get a sorted list.

Let \(T(N)\) be the time complexity.

\[\begin{array} {lcl} T_{Heap\_sort}(N) & = & \sum_{i = 2}^{N - 1} T_{Heapify}(i, 1) \\ & = & \sum_{i = 2}^{N - 1} O(\lg{i}) \\ & \leqslant & O(\int_{2}^{N} \lg{x} dx) \\ & \leqslant & O(N \lg{N} - N - (2 \lg{2} - 2)) \\ & \in & O(N \lg{N}) \end{array}\]

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