Best-Case Intuition of Alpha-Beta Pruning

September 17, 2014

Reading time ~2 minutes

By best-case, it means that, when choosing a node to expand, the algorithm always chooses in the optimal order. i.e.

  • order that returned scores rank from greatest to least for max nodes
  • order that returned scores rank from least to greatest for min nodes

Let the branching factor be \(b\) and solution depth be \(m\).

Before diving into explanation, we should first establish one crucial observation and review the pruning condition:

  • Crucial observation: if a node, among a group of nodes, is chosen first to be searched, it is the one that will be returned to the upper level.
  • Pruning condition: at any time, \(\alpha \geqslant \beta\).
  1. The algorithm will first expand the solution with optimal score, \(v\), for current player. Without loss of generality, assume that current player is a max player.
    • Note: The algorithm doesn’t know that the optimal solution has found.
    • All max nodes first chosen to expand should return scores less than \(v\), otherwise \(v\) wouldn’t be the optimal (since all that min nodes actually do is returning these scores).
    • All min nodes first chosen to expand also have this property for the same reason.
      • Actually all min nodes meet this condition because otherwise its parent max node will return a value greater than \(v\).
  2. Then, divide into two cases:
    • for each max node, every child has to be searched (since no score greater than \(v\) can be found and thus no pruning condition is met).
    • for each min node, after it get the first returned score from its child max node, it should immediately prune its other children because pruning condition is met.
  3. Expanding \(b\) nodes every two levels leads to a \(\sqrt{b}\) branching factor.

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