Optimality From Heuristic Admissibility and Consistency in A*

September 17, 2014

Reading time ~1 minute

Consider the function \(f\) used as priority key in A* algorithm.

\[f() = w() + h()\]

Admissible \(h\)

  • Guarantees optimality if before adding a node \(n\) to fringe,
    • Check if \(n\) is traversed.
      • If so, check if current path is better than the one traversed
        • If so, add to fringe
    • Check if \(n\) is in fringe.
      • If so, check if current path is better than the one in fringe
        • If so, add to fringe
    • Add \(n\) to fringe
  • Proof:

    Algorithm terminates when the vertex with minimum \(f\) is the destination, \(dest\).

    If the algorithm terminates with admissible heuristic but the optimal path hasn’t been found, we must have , for some \(v\) on the output path, \(w(v) + h(v) < f(dest) = w(dest)\).

    But \(\textit{optimal_dist}(dest) \leqslant w(v) + \textit{optimal_dist}(v, dest)\). Then \(h(v) > \textit{optimal_dist}(v, dest)\). Contradiction with the definition of admissibility. QED.

  • The above algorithm resembles tree search.

Consistent \(h\)

  • Implies non-decreasing \(f\) on every path.

  • Guarantees optimality by ensuring, whenever a node \(n\) is popped out of the fringe, it is from the shortest path to it.

  • Thus, new node can be ignored if it was traversed.
    • Cannot ignore if it is in the fringe and to be traversed.
    • In the above case, replace the one in the fringe if current path is better. i.e. lower \(f\).
  • The above algorithm is graph search.

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